Sonic Drive-In

3910 Gallatin Pike
Nashville , TN  37216

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Sonic Drive-In, Nashville

You can reach Sonic Drive-In at (615) 226-0050 or visit their location at 3910 Gallatin Pike in Nashville. Be sure to tell them how you found their listing! The "View Larger Map" link below will allow you to put in your address and give you driving directions to 3910 Gallatin Pike to visit Sonic Drive-In. Are you the owner of this business? Do you know you can upload a video of Sonic Drive-In for free to help promote it? Click the "SEND" button below if you find that Sonic Drive-In is not located at 3910 Gallatin Pike, Nashville or the phone number is not (615) 226-0050. Please click on the "Claim your free listing now" image on the left of this page if you are the business owner.


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